What they don’t tell you before you become a Mom.

The amount of criticism you will suddenly receive.

Ahhh yes, the “Mommy Wars”…  We’ve heard them, we’ve fallen victim to them and chances are, we’ve probably started them ourselves at one point or another even if it was unintentional. There seems to be a couple different ways “mom wars” tend to take place. Some people fall in one catagory mostly, then there are some who kind of fit into all of them a little bit. Let me be clear before starting this… There’s a very fine line between being passionate about something and being judgmental about it. You can be passionate without being hateful and critical. You can be passionate without making another woman feel bad and you can be passionate but still be supportive of something different.

At 22 years old, I had my first child. Not only me but several of my friends were becoming first time mom’s as well. I truthfully feel like the war begins as soon as the test reads “pregnant”. The battle begins with who can gain the least amount of weight, who eats healthier, who follows all the “pregnancy rules”, who has the easiest pregnancy with no problems at all, who never gets sick and what kind of birth you will have (we’ll get to that one later) Before our baby is even earthside we are already placing a set of expectations on ourselves and our unborn child to be better than anyone else. Then after we have our children… the desire to be better really rears its ugly head.

Friendships sometimes get tested by having a baby at the same time as eachother… As sad as that is some will find themselves constantly in comparison with their friends’ babies and if not comparison than competition. Everyone’s baby is the most perfect baby to ever live, the most beautiful girl, the most handsome boy etc. the list goes on. As parents it’s normal to think your baby/child is the most absolute perfect one to ever exist. It’s okay to think those things about your kid. In fact, I personally would find it strange if a mom didn’t compliment her child in those ways. The thing is, every child is perfect! Perfect in their parents’ eyes and perfect in their own individual way! No one child will do everything at the same time and speed as another and that’s okay! Children are individuals just like we are. Some kids are better at some things than other’s, some kids are taller, some can talk better, some are more bratty than others, some are happier but they are all perfect! The problem starts when a mom makes another child seem inadequate to hers… a child should never be made to feel like they’re not as good as another. That’s petty and hateful. The only person you should ever compare your child to is themselves. So there’s that one.. the “my child is smarter, taller, better looking, happier, more advanced, weighs more, sleeps through the night, can say the whole alphabet” type of mom war. While being proud is COMPELTELY acceptable and of course you should be proud of your children, you should never use their accomplishments to make another child feel inadequate. Truthfully, from my own experience I have noticed this type wayyyy more among first time moms, myself included.

Now we move on to bigger more arguementative types of the wars. The battle of “The choices I make, make me a better mother than you if you do it differently”

Breastfeeding/Formula feeding, Co-sleeping/Crib sleeping, Cloth diapers/Disposable diapers, Baby wearing/Using a stroller, Working outside of the home/Stay at home moms, Pro-Vaccine/Anti-Vaccine, Circumcised/Intact, Organic food/Regular food, Medicinal/Homeopathic, Vaginal birth/Cesarean, Natural birth/Epidural… Okay, so here’s where i’ve been guilty. Remember that fine line between passionate and judgmental I was talking about? It took me a little while to find that line.. but I did. Here’s the thing.. yes, some of these things are scientifically proven to be better than the other but does that mean the mothers who do it the other way are not amazing, wonderful mothers who love their children unconditonally? Absolutely not. Some of these things are a “the better you know, the better you do” type situation and some things are a “the better you know, the better you TRY to do things but it just doesn’t work out” type situations. Sometimes a mother is uneducated about things so they don’t know better, as moms it’s our job to inform and educate them in a friendly, loving way rather than attack them and make them feel badly about themselves. Then there are some women who ARE informed and do know the “better” way but still choose to do it differently and that’s okay too! So long as it’s not endangering their child. What works for some may not work for another and it’s no one else’s job to determain that but the mother herself. This is the type that I, myself have fallen victim to and I’ve also been the one doing the judging. I’m not going into detail about all of the above debates, I think we probably all have heard them and know which side of the fence we personally stand on. To ridicule a woman’s character and the type of mother she is based off of which way she chooses to feed, sleep, clothe, raise or birth her child is despicable and spews hate.

As women, we need to encourage and empower one another daily! Constantly lift up each other and love each other. Being a mother is hard enough on it’s own without all the added pressure of someone judging and criticsizing you. We need to be a foundation for one another and a platform of supportive information for eachother. It’s okay to have a preference, it’s okay to do what works for your family, it’s okay to do it differently and it’s okay to be comfortable with your choices, as long as they’re educated ones that don’t compromise the safety of your child.

As someone who is pursuing a career as a Midwife I do have preferences when it comes to some of these things and I do try to push awareness and information so that others can be better educated on them as well. I do my best not to be hateful while discussing my beliefs, though i’m sure it doesn’t always come across that way and if not, i’m truly sorry. My main purpose for pursuing midwifery (aside from the obvious natural birth perspective) is to empower women, to lift women up during pregnancy, birth and motherhood, to earn their trust and to never violate that trust. To support them in the choices they make and never critisize them. That is my ultimate goal.

I hope for a future where women support instead of tear down, encourage instead of discourage, love instead of judge, show compassion instead of hate, lift each other up instead of compete and are joyful rather than making comparisons. The day that happens will be the day that we have an empire of strong, courageous women raising strong, courageous children that will go on and do the same for their kids. This is what we need. I hope one day the bashing and judgments will end but until then just keep doing what you feel is best and be the best mom you can be for your kids… Afterall, they’re not going to care about how they ate, how they slept, how they were born or how quickly they were walking and talking. They’re going to remember the amount of love and support they were given from their parents. That’s really what matters.

Avery’s Birth Story

April 5, 2014… We got a positive!!

This story is a bit different than Landon’s and quite a bit longer and more detailed. I had gotten my mirena IUD removed back in November 2013, we knew we wanted to have another baby and we wanted one soon. So in January 2014 we stopped “preventing” pregnancy. We weren’t necessarily “trying” at that moment but we weren’t stopping it either. The months went on and I was getting my periods as usual. Then around the the middle of March I just had a “feeling” I was pregnant, so I tested. It was negative and honestly I felt a sting of disappointment but we weren’t in any hurry. So the next week I started having the symptoms that I remembered all too well when I was pregnant with Landon, so I tested again… and again, negative. Then the first week of April rolled around and I honestly felt like crap! I assumed it was because my period was due that next week but I tested again… negative. So at this point I felt ridiculous. My best friend’s birthday was that week so we went out for dinner and drinks. That night I got home and I felt awful so I just went to bed. A couple days later, my boobs started hurting underneath my armpits… the only other time this has EVER happened to me in my entire life was when I was pregnant with Landon. I had ONE test left so I took it. PREGNANT!


Jon was at work when I took that test and honestly I was happy he was. He was so ready and excited to have another baby I wanted to surprise him! It took me 3 days to tell him after I found out! HA! I probably should add we were sorta irritated with each other the day I found out soooo that could have something to do with me waiting also! HA! So I went to the store and got a cute shirt to put on Landon that said “Hey daddy! Guess what… I’m gonna be a big brother” I had Landon dressed in it when Jon walked in the door from work. Of course, he didn’t even notice the shirt so I started dropping hints. “Hey babe, did you see Landon’s new shirt? Isn’t it cute?” “Did you read what it says” Finally he picked up Landon and read the words out loud. His face completely lit up and the biggest smile spread across his face… all he could say was “Are you serious?!” We wanted to do things a bit differently than we did with Landon.. we didn’t announce his pregnancy until I was almost halfway through it. I didn’t want to wait that long with this baby! I also knew EXACTLY what I wanted with this pregnancy! I immediately told my best friend the news and a few other friends and family members. Everyone was pretty excited for me. But the biggest shocker?! I got a phone call a couple days later from my best friend of 8 years and guess what?! She was pregnant, too!!! WHATTTT?! Saying I was excited is an understatement! We would be having babies at the same time!

My Pregnancy

That next Monday, I called Central Texas Birth Center as I knew I was going to have this baby the way I had always wanted, the way I wasn’t able to with Landon! With a Midwife! I toured the center that next thursday and met with one of the midwives, Heather and the student midwife, Randi. I immediately knew from the moment we left the birth center THAT is where I would be having my baby. I was in love. I went ahead and set up my first appointment. I could not wait until my first appointment, I was so excited to start this journey About a month later we would get some more exciting news! My brother and sister in law were pregnant, too!! I was soo unbelievably happy for them! She, too would be having her baby at CTBC! It was so exciting! The months went on and my pregnancy was going great health wise! I was already SOOO sick but my health was perfect! No high blood pressure at all and I loved my midwives, Salli and Randi! I was just so happy about everything! I could already tell such a difference in my prenatal appointments with my midwives vs. my ObGyn with Landon. The appointments were an hour long and they were so personable, they took time to really talk to me and get to know me on a personal level as well as my family. It was the beginning of an incredible friendship with them all, I felt like I was part of a family. Then the time came to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl! From the time my test read positive I began praying rigorously for a baby girl! I already had my perfect boy, now I wanted my girl! Is it possible someone could get their children the exact way they always prayed for? It absolutely was. We were having a girl! We were ecstatic! I have to be honest when I say, I knew the entire time it was a girl. Call it “mothers intuition” if you want but my pregnancy was already so different than it was with Landon, I was so sick! The throwing up was awful! Never once did I get sick with Landon. I just knew I had a sassy little girl growing in there and boyyyy was I right about the sass! 😉 The months went on and my pregnancy was still going smoothly and my blood pressure was never anything short of PERFECT! My midwives and I came to the conclusion that I had “White coat high blood pressure” with Landon! HA! So as time went on, my belly got bigger and so were my nerves! As I started nearing the end of my pregnancy and closer to giving birth, reality set it! I would be having this baby completely natural! Though I was such an activist in natural birth, I began doubting myself and my ability to do what my body was built to do! I started writing down positive birth affirmations and reading them to myself every day

Her Birth

Saturday, December 13th (Her due date) I woke up around 6am having mild contractions… not thinking anything of it, I went back to sleep. I woke up again at 7:30 to get Jon up for work. I was still having contractions but I insisted that Jon go to work.. I think I was in denial that I may actually be going into labor. The hours passed and my contractions started getting more painful and closer together so I decided to start timing them. When I started noticing a pattern I called Jon and told him to keep his phone on him as this might actually be the real deal! I called my mom and had her come over to stay with me and Landon. By the time she got there around noon I was standing against my bar in my kitchen swaying my hips back and forth to try and ease my contractions. This was definitely the real deal. Around 1pm my contractions were about 7 minutes apart and lasting about 1 minute so I called my midwife. She reassured me that I was in fact in labor and when my contractions were about 3 minutes apart I should head to the Birth Center, so I did. Jon met us there around 3:30pm. I labored there for a long time, my contractions only getting worse and closer together. Hours passed with nothing happening so they checked my dilation… I was only 3cm!! WHATTT?! That wasn’t possible! People walk around 3cm dilated all the time just fine but I was having such intense contractions I couldn’t even talk through them, they required my full attention. We thought maybe it was because I was dehydrated so we ran two bags of fluid through me. That didn’t help at all. With still no relief or progress my midwives decided maybe I should try to labor some at home and see if I could rest easier in my own environment so we went home. About an hour later I decided to take a warm bath… while in the bath my contractions started coming wave upon wave and my body started bearing down to push. I told Jon to call Salli. Back to the birth center we went! The ride back there is such a blur to me… I was fighting the urge to push my baby out the entire trip back. Once there, they checked my dilation again and much to my surprise I was still only 3cm dilated! HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE?! Discouragement hit me like a ton of bricks. I began to doubt myself and my ability to do this. I told myself I was stupid and that how in the world would I be able to handle this when i’m 10cm dilated if I couldn’t even handle being 3! I secretly begged my mom to take me to the hospital because I NEEDED the pain to stop and she looked me in my face and told me “No. You are a strong, capable woman and you WILL deliver this baby. You CAN and you WILL do this!” Little did I know… my body was going through transition.

I was exhausted, my body was exhausted and I felt completely defeated. I labored for a little while in the birthing pool but found that the toilet was actually my ideal place to labor. It gave me some relief where no where else did. Jon and I were laying in bed together and he was rubbing my back, telling me how brave and strong I was (my back labor was the worst) He encouraged me every single step of the way and never let me give up, not even once. I started calming down and relaxing and I almost felt like I was walking on clouds, it was peaceful. By this time it was early Sunday morning, the sun was starting to come up and Jon asked me if I wanted to watch the sunrise. That sounded amazing but I needed to pee first. I walked to the bathroom, sat down and POP! My water broke! I screamed with excitement for Jon to go get Salli and Randi! By the time they got to the bathroom my body was bearing down HARD and then I felt it… the famous “Ring of fire” I told Randi and Salli “There’s something definitely coming out!” HA! Randi wanted to check to see where her head was so I went and laid down on the bed before she could even check, Avery’s head was crowning! She was coming and coming very fast! I called for my mom who was sleeping in the other room with Landon and by the time my mom got in there her head was completely out! Randi then had me flip over on my hands and knees so I could deliver her shoulders easier… after 2 pushes she was out and into my hands! I caught my baby and brought her immediately to my chest! She was finally here! I can’t really explain the emotions that ran through me at that time. I was flooded with happiness, strength, empowerment, pride, joy, excitement and total unbelief that I had just conquered what was by far the hardest thing I had ever physically and mentally felt in my entire life! All I could say was “I did it!”


My pregnancy and birth experience  with Avery changed me in so many ways. It was beautiful and peaceful throughout it all… It was perfect! I’m convinced my body was in active labor and preparing for birth without actually dilating like normal. I went from 3cm to pushing her out within 10 minutes. My body was definitely doing what it was supposed to just in its own way! My midwives’ patience and support is indescribable. I can never stress enough to people the importance of your birth circle during labor and the incredible benefits of a midwife-led birth. That was by far the MOST empowering moment of my life and I’m so thankful for it.